

  • Pella has a total population of 19,036 inhabitants and its capital is Edessa.
  • It is named after the ancient city of Pella, the capital of ancient Macedonia and the birthplace of Alexander the Great.
  • Landscapes of natural beauty, areas protected under “Natura 2000” and special protection zones safeguarded under the legislation are composing the unique ecosystem and priceless natural habitat of Pella.
  • Visitors can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities such as skiing on the Kaimakchalan ski resort, Rowing at the International Nautical Center Loudias and Hiking in the Agras wetland.
  • The place is famous for the local products as: peaches, kiwis, hot peppers “tsouskes”, fresh crisp, Edessa cherries, honey.
  • Perfect for: cultural tourism, activity tourism, ecotourism.