

  • Ikaria is considered one of the largest islands of the eastern Aegean, with 255km2 of land and 160km of coastline.
  • Legend has it that it was named after the son of Daedalus, Icarus, who was washed up on the shores of the island.
  • Its capital, Agios Kirykos, is also the main port of the island.
  • It is well-known for the longevity of its inhabitants, carefreeness, fun and prosperity. A typical example of the unique local lifestyle is the village Christos, where all shops open in the evening and close in the morning.
  • Its beaches, such as Armenistis, Nas, Seychelles and its hot springs are exquisite. The island is also well-known for the variety and healing properties of the herbs growing there.
  • The exceptional wineries are a major attraction, as Ikarian wine is famous for its rich aroma and mellow flavor.
  • During the summer season, the island’s traditional festivals that last several days in the villages of the areas of Raches, Evdilos and Agios Kirykos are very popular to tourists.