
About us

At NeTourWork we connect, show and promote our partners’ tourist organizations, specialized tourist products / services, and tourist attractions to selected professionals worldwide.

At NeTourWork, we are breaking new ground in tourism. Our exciting new tool exploits modern technologies such as virtual and augmented reality to enable presentations to be made in a VR environment during a seminar or specialist training program. It can also be used to immerse guests in an interactive experience.

NeTourWork goal is to bring together all the creative and productive forces at work in tourism, creating a base for communication across an ever-growing network that will serve to promote tourism globally.

At NeTourWork, we have assmbled the following matrix if services:

Who we are

NeTourWork is a family composed of people with specialized knowledge in the fields of destination management, strategy development in the tourism sector, experts in the fields of virtual and augmented reality, tourism sector researchers and a dedicated group with years of experience in digital marketing and promotion management.

What we offer

At NeTourWork, we offer a dynamic and modern way to create valuable innovation in the field of connection, in the cutting-edge promotion of destinations, tourist organizations, specialized products and services in hospitality and other sectors in the global tourist market. With the help of our groundbreaking services, we offer the ability to connect and promote our partners within an ever-growing matrix of specialized professionals in the globalized environment.

Our services promote the tourist products of our partners in/with:

Our network is targeted at upwards of 70,000 professionals in the field of tourism spanning 30 countries worldwide, offering a unique dynamic to our partners. In NeTourWork we use specialized filters to identify tourism professionals who provide the services our partners wish to promote.

In NeTourWork, we think outside the box and break new ground.

Our Partners

Our network is targeted at over 70,000 tourism professionals across 30 countries and can thus offer a unique dynamic to our partners.

Destinations: National Agencies, Destination Management Organizations, Local Government Bodies, Municipalities, Local Authorities
Tourism Agencies: Hotel Associations, Tourist Offices, Chambers of Commerce
Tourism and Hospitality Businesses: Hotel and Resorts,
Tour Operators, OTAs, Travel Agents, Airlines, Cruises (inbound & outbound), Product Clubs

Vision & Principles

Our vision is to become an important communication tool and to turn the tourism sector into an interactive digital sphere based on personal relations between people on a global scale.

Principles and policies of NeTourWork:

Our Goal

Our goal at NeTourWork is to bring together all the creative and productive forces at work in tourism, creating a base for communication across an ever-growing network that will serve to promote tourism globally. NeTourWork is a digital superstructure for tourist services and destinations that can provide integrated information, promotion and connection services. Underpinned by collective innovation and a strategy of creative competition, NeTourWork:

Join Professionals

NeTourWork is an online space where 70,000 professionals from 30 different countries around the world can come in contact. The viewing possibilities and commercial this provides are available to our partners.